Höstens böcker: "En flod till hjärta", stor roman från Bangladesh av Dilruba Z. Ara
En flod till hjärta
Dilruba Z. Ara
Hft med flikar / 368 sidor
Boken kan beställas i bokhandeln

Gulab Ganja är namnet på den by i Bangladesh, belägen vid en flod, där handlingen i denna roman tar sin början. I en traditionell, muslimsk och välbärgad familj, som redan är välsignad med söner, föds en dag en efterlängtad flicka. Men det är något djupt oroande med hennes yttre, som ska komma att bestämma hennes öde...
Född i Dhaka, Bangladesh, flyttade Dilruba Z. Ara till Sverige vid tjugo års ålder. Hon utbildade sig vid Göteborgs universitet och arbetar nu som lärare i engelska och svenska som andra språk. Hon är bosatt i Lund och skriver både prosa och poesi, översätter och är också en driven konstnär. En flod till hjärta är Aras egen översättning av sin första roman A List of Offences, (UPL, Dhaka, 2006). Ytterligare en roman på engelska, Blame (2015) och novellsamlingen Detached Belonging (2016) har blivit publicerade av UPL.
En flod till hjärta har översatts till grekiska och spanska och blivit en bästsäljare i den spansktalande världen.
Om bokens engelska original
A List of Offences
“A List of Offences is a magical river that whispers ancient desires.”
Poppy Musuraki, Athens, Eleftherotypia
“Dilruba Ara is rapidly on her way to becoming an important name in contemporary literature. Her novel A List of Offences (2006) is a tour de force in storytelling… The description of the social and geographical milieu is a wonder of detail and expressive depiction. The pace is more akin to the great novels of the nineteenth century than the movie-inspired fast cuts of contemporary prose.”
Claes-Göran Holmberg, Literary Critic and Professor of Comparative Literature,
Lund University, Sweden
“A world-class book, by turns evocative, chilling, informative, humorous, inspiring and brave… Bangladesh has produced a great writer and a magical masterpiece of a book, which will come to be considered as one of the few classical novels born from the Indian subcontinent.”
Anna-Karin Herbert, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Kalmar University, Sweden
“This remarkable author, Dilruba Ara, embraces the reader in a wonderfully rich cloth of people, places and narrative events magnificently woven with a language akin to that of the classical twentieth-century novel, yet original and empowered by spellbinding artfulness.”
Sven Strömqvist, Professor of Linguistics and Language Acquisition and Vice-Chancellor, Lund University, Sweden
“This book is exquisitely and powerfully written – well deserving of the book hitting the top ten list in South America. Dilruba Z. Ara is an exhilarating writer with a gift for irony and a gentle, perceptive heart. A List of Offences is a gritty book, where beauty and strength come to life. The customs and food and smells of the city; We can imagine we are there, and we can share in the sights, the smells, and the challenges Daria had to experience. This story will make you smile yet cry and will touch you deeply. It will remind us of the problems other people go through and give us insight of other countries.”
Barbara R. Cochran, in Pacific Book Review
“Reading Dilruba Z. Ara’s captivating book, one seems to be in the realm of South American magic realism. But this is another kind of realism, quite different, though just as sensual: oriental…A fascinating family saga, written in beautiful prose.”
José Luis Muñoz, Novelist, Madrid, La Soledad del Corredor de Fondo